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I Want To Use Tier 1. How Can I make It Work Well?FAQ

 Check out the states that matter to you here:  See the detailed list of States and how they work for Blue Sky Filings. Your company is a bank ... exemption with any US States.  This is close to ideal.  A maximum raise of $20 ...

Own part of a growing company- how does this work?FAQ

When a company (in which you have reserved investment space for yourself) completes all the steps at Manhattan Street Capital and completes their Qualification with the SEC, then they will be ready to raise capital. If there were any ...

How to access your shares via ComputerShare?FAQ

Create a New Account with Computershare If your offering has been set up to maintain shares electronically on ComputerShare, you may ... here 1)  Before you begin, be sure to have these items ready ...

What is a Regulation D offering?FAQ

purposes, Manhattan Street Capital accepts 506C offerings on its platform. With a 506C offering, the company can raise an unlimited amount of capital ... without a SEC registration. One such exemption is Regulation D or Reg D ...
