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Swiss Approval, Boot Out Opioids, Skincare DisruptBlog

RodTurner's blog Talketh provides low cost internet call capabilities on slow (& fast) internet connections worldwide without need for bank accounts;1.5 bill Audience. Own the first Blockchain system ...

Behavioral Tips for Successful InvestingBlog

petert_32198's blog         As an investor, it's essential to understand your behavior and how it can impact your investment decisions. Here are a few tips for staying on track: Know your risk tolerance: It's ...

ONIT SciencesOffering

Invest in Fast-Growing Organic Agriculture Technology!

Confusing aspects of Regulation A+FAQ

"Am I required to have a Broker-Dealer on my Reg A+ offering?"  No, ... Reg A+ after it has been Qualified by the SEC. When involving a broker, ... the broker can only be involved when and if FINRA accepts the terms. In a Reg ...

KSK Oil & GasOffering

Oil and Gas Investment Opportunity – High ROI, Tax Benefits & Cash Flow
