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Do I Have To Take my Company Public To Use Regulation A+?FAQ

Cost of taking your company public using Regulation A+ How to do an IPO ...     The question is; do I have to take my company public to use  Regulation A+? The answer is No. You can choose not to list your company ...

Can I use Reg A+ if my company is not in the US?FAQ

Yes. If you set up a company in the USA or Canada then you are allowed to use Reg A+ using that entity. Most companies that take this route set up a "C" Corporation in Delaware, but you can also set up ...

I Want To Use Tier 1. How Can I make It Work Well?FAQ

of States and how they work for Blue Sky Filings. Your company is a bank ... only been Qualified by the SEC in Real Estate situations, but the SEC may ... Factors that suit using Tier 1: All your investors are local ...
