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SAFT; What is a SAFT and how does it work for my STO?FAQ

investors. It does not allow those investors to sell their positions early. The investors must wait till the relevant holding period (usually 6 months ... of raising capital, and a SAFT when combined with a Reg D might be able ...

How many investors are allowed in Regulation A+?FAQ

Act as long as the issuer (the company selling shares) uses a registered ... of record by more than 500 holders who are not accredited investors or who did not receive the securities under a  compensation plan. An issuer that exceeds ...

Reg A+ liquidity explained for insiders and investorsFAQ

and long-term investors is that when a Tier 2 type Reg A+ completes its ... For the investor, the degree of actual liquidity depends ... then the liquidity can be good to very good. When an Issuer company does not list ...
