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What kind of funding is not allowed under Reg A+?FAQ

RegA+ does not allow funding for the following: Companies with headquarters outside the U.S. or Canada. It is fine to move or set up the legal headquarters in the US or Canada for international businesses. Investment ...

Reg A+- 100 Filed, 29 Qualified, 12 Testing The Waters, 7 FundingBlog

their attention to Regulation A+ funding continues to gain steam. In April’s update, ... headquarters in the USA or Canada. Regulation A+ funding offers cost-effective ... to be seeking funding than we have experienced during perhaps any period in U.S. ...

Get funded! How it works in Reg A+FAQ

When your offering has exceeded its minimum as filed with the SEC, (after your Regulation A+ offering has been Qualified by the SEC), then you are ready to convert the deposits from your investors in Escrow into investments in exchange for shares of your ...
