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What are the financial requirements for my company?FAQ

requirements compared to those of companies registering for an IPO on the NASDAQ ... statements that go back two years (except for Tier 1 offerings, and startups, ... on the NASDAQ and NYSE, and they only apply to Tier 2 offerings, not to Tier ...

Clearing Up Reg A+ Myths: A Quick Guide to the FactsBlog

BALINT Jozsa's blog "I have to use a Tier 1 offering if I am raising up to $20 mill". This is not true. Tier 2 Regulation A+ offerings start at zero, not at $20 million. Tier 1 offerings start at zero ...

Confusing aspects of Regulation A+FAQ

"I have to use a Tier 1 offering if I am raising less than $20 mill". Not true. Tier 2 Regulation A+ offerings start at zero, not at $20 million. Tier 1 offerings start at zero too, and they cap out at $20 mill. ...
