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How can I pay for my investment?FAQ

Companies on the Manhattan Street Capital platform usually use these payment options: Debit-cards, ACH, Check, and Wire transfer. Non-US investors can pay by credit card. Some companies choose not to use ...

Do I Have To Take my Company Public To Use Regulation A+?FAQ

Cost of taking your company public using Regulation A+ How to do an IPO ... Regulation A+? The answer is No. You can choose not to list your company on a marketplace, and then your shares will not be public.  Regulation A+ allows you ...

How do I Engage with the company as an investor?FAQ

An important part of Manhattan Street Capital is the open exchange of advice, suggestions and feedback from our investor community to the client offering companies.  The more input you give to the companies, the better ...

How can I view the status of my investment?FAQ

To view your investment status follow these steps: Login to your Manhattan Street Capital account  Click on the 'Profile' icon ... a communication when your securities are issued, along with instructions on how you ...
