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Who can invest in a Reg A+ offering?

Who can invest in a Reg A+ offering?

Anyone! (see the exceptions below). Mainstreet investors worldwide can invest under Regulation A+ into companies that make their stock offerings with help from Manhattan Street Capita. Ordinary investors don’t have to be wealthy to invest! Investors are welcome from almost anywhere in the world.

The only limitation is that Main Street investors cannot invest greater than 10% of their annual income or 10% of their net worth, excluding their homes. This is a per-investor limit per company they invest in, and it only applies to Tier 2 offerings. Investors are allowed to self-verify their income and net worth. Issuers are not required to independently verify.

The inclusion of investors from “Main Street” who are not necessarily wealthy is the big deal here. Now companies can take investments from millions of people who could not participate before.

Accredited investors ($1 million or more in net worth) are not limited in how much they can invest. Investors from outside of the U.S. are welcome, with the same limits.

Please note that the regulations of your country may restrict you from investing via Reg A+ offerings. As an investor, you must check the regulations that apply to you, in your country. Subsequent to Regulation A+ rules being made effective in the USA, the Canadian regulators imposed limitations on Mainstreet Canadian investors, so most Reg A+ offerings do not accept Canadian Mainstreet investors. We have been advised that if a company gains prior approval from the Canadian States on a State by State basis, then Canadian main street investors would be allowed to invest via Reg A+.


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